We reached our goal! Help us reach our new, extended goal of $25,000. Donate today!

We reached our goal! Help us reach our new, extended goal of $25,000. Donate today!  image


raised towards $25,000 goal



Days Left


Make a gift before December 31, 2021, and the Charles A. Becker Foundation will double the impact with a generous dollar-for-dollar match, up to $20,000

My name is Trevor, and I’ve been a volunteer mentor with First Exposures for seven years. I’ve been paired with four mentees so far and have learned so much from each one. As a mentor, I’m not a parent, not a teacher, not a friend—but I get to call upon aspects of each of these roles while building a relationship of trust with the young people I’m privileged to work with. It’s such a rewarding position to be in, and it wouldn’t be possible without supporters like you.

This holiday season, I hope you’ll consider making the most generous gift you can to support First Exposures. The Charles A. Becker Foundation is matching contributions from donors to benefit the work of First Exposures in our new home. When you make a gift before December 31, 2021, the Charles A. Becker Foundation will double the impact with a generous dollar-for-dollar match, up to $20,000, which makes up 5% of our annual budget.

Read more from Trevor here: https://www.firstexposures.org/post/giving-tuesday

Donate Today!

First Exposures, a Project of Tides Center EIN: 94-3213100